Friday, February 19, 2010

Hair Style Furniture To Second Hand Would You Let Your Baby Be Held By Someone Who Smokes?

Would you let your baby be held by someone who smokes? - hair style furniture to second hand

In my local news there was a report that called for 3 seconds to tobacco smoke.

Basically, the only one:
Resedue smoke and chemicals stick to the things that come into contact with .... such as furniture, floors, walls, and people who smoke.

It Studds once again that the state had now that these things are as dangerous as the second smoke, because most of the concentration.

Now ontop all ... I suffer from severe allergies and asthma and the smoke really flairs these problems. My baby is showing signs of similar symptoms.

So my question is ...

Would you leave your baby in the hands of someone who smokes?

It happens that the person who always wants to take my little sister! So it makes ThiNGS even more difficult.

She is constantly trying to keep my daughter when I see ... smoking and usage for some time now.

It is a very heavy smoker and smoke a little less than 1 pack per day.

I told her she could have my daughter, if:
-Wash hands and face
pulse and hair back (from my daughter who loves to chew on the hair)

She thinks I'm too unresonable. and wash their hands just because they do not want to ruin you wash your makeup or hairstyle or change of clothes.

I know it's my baby and my choice ... ultimitely but I just wanted to see what others opinions were.

I should also mention that his best friend a baby about the same AGe, and she and her best friend from the smoke, baby. They also have pictures of this baby (11 months) with a lit cigerette in his mouth!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Its not without reason. Its your child and have all the rights that you have. If your sister countries, that his "stupid" or something like that, you say that you have severe allergies and that her daughter has signs that too. Ask him doing these things and not minor or see his niece to the hospital. (I do not know if this can happen, but only to his sister), or frighten you say if you really wanted to be a rational can not say whether they smoked per day, you can not keep up d 'a shower, clean clothes and a toothbrush.

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